I too was thrilled to be part of the great congregation at St Peter's recently and thank Mr Webster for his letter (Letters, April 26).

Many thanks are also due to those responsible for arranging the service, the organist and choir, the readers, those who decorated the church so beautifully and made us welcome - so many were involved.

It will be long remembered and let us hope there will be many other opportunities to support St Peter's.

I have thanks to give to a number of people who were good Samaritans to me on that afternoon.

When I left the church and was in the process of changing buses, I had a fall at the bottom of North Street. There were a number of young people who were so kind, helping me to a chair and bringing an ice-pack to put on my head.

One of them also phoned for an ambulance. Nothing was too much trouble for them. They really were marvellous.

So too were the ambulance man and my neighbours when I got home.

It was a shame the day ended as it did, but I did appreciate all that was done for me.

  • Mrs E Catt, Rodmell Avenue, Saltdean