Sometimes comedy shows can feel a bit too familiar.

Safe jokes about in-laws and naughty pets, and little relatable quirks in everyday life might be entertaining, but they’re not very exciting.

On the other hand, deliberately wacky shows can come across as self-conscious and awkward.

Thankfully, Sam Simmons didn’t go in for either of these stereotypes.

Despite having a well-prepared voiceover that ran through most of the show and dozens of props, Spaghetti for Breakfast felt like a chaotic improv, which made the evening fast-paced, frenetic and absurd.

From the opening minutes the audience broke into slightly confused, slightly fearful laughter.

Simmon had got the same kind of energy as a very excitable Doberman – fun, and genuine, but you didn’t know if or when he would bite.

He darted about the stage with wide eyes and as the front two rows were pebble-dashed with cereal and pelted with toast, he emitted crazed laughter.

There was reason behind his routine and most of the loose ends were tied up eventually (though sometimes nonsensically), but as the show progressed, it was hard to be sure how it could end. Simmons clearly prides himself on originality over structure or traditional punch-lines, but it worked. He was unique and he was hilarious.

Four stars