A search has been launched for more short-break carers who can make a difference to the lives of children with disabilities and their families.

People who can provide respite care ranging from a few hours a week to a few days a month are wanted by the West Sussex County Council family placement disability team.

They are particularly looking for new carers who could look after children with autism or other complex health needs.

The team is holding an open evening at Clair (crct) Hall in Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath on May 21 and calling on people to come and find out more.

Carers come from all age groups and all walks of life and the team provides support and training as well as payment for the carer's time.

Council cabinet member for children and young people's services, Mark Dunn, said: "Carers gain the satisfaction that comes from looking after the children and the parents get a well-earned break from the pressures of full-time caring.

"Att the same time the children get the chance to do things that children without disabilities may take for granted ñ like trying new activities and meeting new people while gaining independence."

The open evening is from 7.15pm to 8.30pm.