While I have no particular view for or against wi-fi, Graham Chainey's plea to stop radiation around us was intriguing. No radio or TV? Well, yes, I would love to get rid of about 90 per cent of TV but because of its content, not its radiation.

No mobiles (hooray - mostly!) no radiotherapy, no radiography, but, even more basic to the problem, is that we would have to ban the Universe.

Even if we still lived in caves, with no technology of any sort, we would be continually bathed in cosmic radiation of various sorts.

So the trick is to use careful, unbiased, scientific testing of all the radiation we produce ourselves - a kind of double blind testing as used for medicines.

But I'm afraid most people would not believe the results and would simply go on believing what they wished to believe.

But that's OK - you can cure radiation sickness with a mixture of astrology and magic crystals dissolved in petrol. My pet iguana told me this, so it must be true.

  • M Boyask, New Church Road, Hove