This octet of 20-something Czechs perform with big smiles, frenetic enthusiasm and barrels of humour.

Inspired by a scene from Tolstoy's Anna Karenina, when the heroine kills herself on a railway line, this version sees Anna diverted from her fatal mission by an eccentric band of railway workers. The slapstick storyline ends so bizarrely you cannot fail to see the funny side.

The performance incorporates a range of disciplines - particularly dance, mime and exaggerated facial expressions - but they seem jacks of all trades and masters of none. Incidental music was used to good effect but the singing sounded off-key and the silliness sometimes fell flat.

The best scenes were the imaginative dance routines which deserve high praise, such as the slightly saucy but also rather tender scene when three couples break off into a synchronised mating ritual.

  • Until May 18, call 01273 709709