A COUNCILLOR has vowed to "drive through" red tape to make sure Snowdogs have no problem in taking up their home by the sea.

Lee Wares, councillor for Patcham and Hollingbury, has been working behind the scenes on the project which will see a trail of up to 50 individually designed sculptures of the favourite children's story pooch around the city's streets and parks from September to November next year.

The news was announced exclusively by The Argus, which is the media partner for the Martlets Hospice and Wild Art project.

Inspired by The Snowman and The Snowdog, the popular sequel to the Sussex-based Raymond Briggs' classic book and television adaptation, the idea is expected to raise thousands for the hospice and attract tens of thousands of people to Brighton and Hove.

Coun Wares said: "I am delighted at the publicity this exciting project is now receiving and there can be no losers.

"I am pleased to say that having been working with Sarah Harvey, the event project manager, and senior officers in the council there is a desire to make this happen. Of course, with such major events comes the nitty-gritty subjects of permits and permissions. It is my intention, with the council, to help drive through the red tape to make this as easy as possible to achieve."

The member of the city council's planning, licensing, overview and scrutiny committees said the project would not only raise funds for the hospice but will increase its profile and highlight the "caring and compassionate role the charity, its staff and volunteers have in bringing dignity and comfort to those that need their help".

He added: "The prospect of having a trail of Snowdogs decorated by the talented artists our city is blessed to have is inspiring. The local economy will see a tremendous boost from the people who will visit to walk the trail as well as encouraging people to explore the nooks and crannies of those places they might not otherwise venture to. And it provides the organisations that sponsor the Snowdogs a huge platform from which to be seen.

"Many months ago I was introduced to this project. It happened to be a few days after a friend had passed away at Martlets Hospice. In my mind there was no question that I should do all I can support this event.

"I call on all councillors to lend their support to this fantastic opportunity. Let’s make it happen, let’s make it great and let’s help keep Brighton and Hove on the map whilst supporting the Martlets Hospice and giving our residents, businesses and visitors a truly wonderful experience."