I was intrigued by the letters from Debbie Jordan, Susan Funnell and Sylvia Harwood (Letters, June 1) The original writer condemned shooting at cats with an air weapon as "a sad reflection on society" and had not condoned it.

Nor did I see anything to justify the writer being labelled "cruel and vindictive", apart from the fact they dared to criticise cat owners.

Nowadays the law requires dog owners to clear up after their pets, and the majority of them do so.

Sylvia Harwood says that you can't control cats, but I'm afraid that simply isn't true.

It is not acceptable for other people's enjoyment of their own gardens to be destroyed by your pet. It's not acceptable for your pet to be turned loose to die under the wheels of a car. It is not acceptable for your pet to become a target for some maniac with a gun or a net. It doesn't matter why they do it; if you take responsibility for controlling your pet, then these nutters can't attack it.

Ian James
Easthill Drive,