PJ Wisdom has it wrong (Letters, June 2) on the Brighton and Hove City Council Conservative administration's views on buses. I personally use buses most of the time to get around the city and trains when going further afield.

So it is incorrect right off the bat to say Conservatives don't use buses. Over recent weeks, there has been a deliberate attempt to classify our policy on transport to be pro-car to the exclusion of all else. This is just not true as anyone reading our manifesto will tell you.

We need to recognise that all forms of transport are important and trust people to make the best choice for themselves.

Some people may not use the car to travel into Brighton, say, but they might want to use it if they are doing a big shop at one of the large supermarkets in or around the city.

What we are about is providing people with a choice and explaining the options, the costs and the benefits.

On build-outs - we have always said that we would review build-outs and only alter those, to speed up traffic, including buses, where road safety would not be compromised.

Councillor Brian Oxley Leader, Brighton and Hove City Council