Ruth Kelly, Communities and Local Government Secretary, has agreed to meet home and energy inspectors left jobless by the Government's delays in introducing Home Information Packs (HIPs).

Next Monday's 45-minute face-to-face has been welcomed by the hundreds of inspectors and assessors who left their jobs and spent thousands of pounds retraining.

David Thompson, one of those Ms Kelly has agreed to see, said: "We are encouraged but we will have to wait and see whether we will be assured of a solution."

Mr Thompson, who spent £14,000 retraining, is planning to sue the Government for compensation.

He said: "The delegation meeting the Secretary will be representing the 1,500 to 2,000 home inspectors and energy assessors left high and dry."

Mr Thompson, 44, from Hove, took part in a demonstration in Whitehall on June 1 when HIPs were supposed to have become compulsory for any home marketed.

But Ms Kelly last month announced the packs would be delayed until August 1 and then only for four bedroom homes.

The delay followed a legal challenge from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and there are doubts whether the scheme will ever be introduced.