BRIGHTON and Hove Buses and Pride have together launched the magnificent new Diversity Bus – the latest incarnation of the wonderful Pride Festival Bus.

The Diversity Bus has been designed to promote and celebrate diversity in the community.

The bus carries messages of love and celebration and the simple but powerful message #moreincommon, set up in the aftermath of MP Jo Cox’s tragic murder a year ago.

The Diversity Bus will be available for partners in the city for community events where the messages on the bus can be of some value.

The bus has been named in memory of local drag artist Phil Starr who performed on stages across the world for more than 50 years and also raised thousands of pounds for charity

He was one of the main supporters of the annual Pride event in Brighton.

Brighton and Hove Buses managing director Martin Harris said: “The Diversity Bus not only celebrates Pride and everything it stands for but is a symbol of our broader support for diversity and inclusion in general.

“We want to stand side by side with those who work to heal divisions in our society.”