A TEENAGER was fighting for his life last night after being mowed down by a pick-up truck.

Enkyed Islam, 19, was run over outside the Ladies Mile pub, in Warmdene Avenue, Patcham, on Saturday evening.

Police said that after knocking him to the pavement, the driver turned the truck around and ran him over again as he lay on the floor.

Emergency services were called at 8.47pm and he was taken to the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton.

Speaking yesterday afternoon, Mr Islam’s sister, Tash, said that he was critical but stable and doctors were treating internal bleeding around his liver.

She said: “His birthday is in five days and we hope he will be celebrating it with us.

“He’s a strong boy and a cheeky chappy and we hope he will be flirting with the nurses in no time.”

Police said they are treating the incident as a deliberate act and offices are appealing for witnesses to come forward.

Mr Islam, who lives near to the pub, had been walking home with friends at the time.

Although a number of the friends he was with are thought to have been taken to hospital to be checked over, police said there were no other injuries of note.

Eyewitnesses told of the horrific scenes in Patcham in the minutes after he was hit.

One said he Mr Islam was lying on the pavement with an oxygen mask on his face as a girl sat next to him crying and pleaded with him to “stay with us”.

Another said he saw Mr Islam on the ground with his t-shirt ripped and grazes all over his back.

His sister posted a photograph from his hospital bed yesterday. Alongside the image of her holding his hand, she wrote: “Keep fighting little one. You’ve got this. I need you to go back to your annoying little brother ways and need you to give me one of those smiles.

“Please keep him in your prayers and thoughts.”

Police have described the vehicle as a dirty pick-up truck, with a double cab and an open back.

After running over the teenager the driver is said to have sped off down Mackie Avenue.

His sister added: “I want to thank his friends and the people who have helped. We are very grateful and appreciate everyone’s love and support. It’s been so overwhelming to see the support he has been getting.

“Also thank you to Sussex police and the hospital.”

Detective Inspector Ian Still said: “Our initial indications are that this was a deliberate act in which a pick-up truck ran over the man on the pavement, before stopping and turning around, and driving over him again as his body lay on the floor.

“We are still in the early stages of our investigation and we will be carrying out extensive enquiries to establish the full circumstances. However, in light of recent events, it is important to note that we are not treating it as terror-related.

“This was a horrific incident which has left a young man fighting for his life, and I would urge anyone with any information to report it online quoting Operation Morston.”

Alternatively, visit the Crimestoppers website or contact the independent charity anonymously on 0800 555 111.

A 17-year-old boy from Brighton has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder. At the time of going to press he was still in police custody.