POLICE have released CCTV footage which could show a missing mother running for a bus.

Fatima Mohamed-Ali has been missing from her Newhaven home for almost two years but footage which has come to light recently may show her in North Street, Brighton.

Mrs Mohamed-Ali was 52 when she disappeared in February 2016.

Her family said it was out of character for the grandmother and mother of three to go missing.

She was last seen by her husband, Mohamed, who she made breakfast for on the morning of February 12, 2016. She then left the house and has not been seen by her family since.

Mr Mohamed-Ali thinks the woman in the video shares similarities with his wife.

He said: “I have viewed the CCTV and although I cannot say that it is Fatima, the woman walks like her and has her type of hair style.

“It has been nearly two years since she went missing and maybe this video will jog someone’s memory.

“My family and I just want to know what has happened to Fatima and where she is.

“If anyone has any information about Fatima please contact the police.”

An acquaintance of Mrs

Mohamed-Ali believes the woman in the footage is her.

The CCTV clip is from August 7 last year, at about 6pm.

PC Kath Nevill, of Sussex Police, said: “The CCTV footage from last summer has only recently come to light and we are issuing it to see if we can establish whether it is her or not.

“The woman who knew Fatima says she thinks she saw her running for a bus.

“Extensive enquiries were carried out in the area and CCTV cameras from a nearby bank in North Street captured a woman running for a Brighton and Hove bus just before 6pm on Monday, August 7, 2017.

“Fatima’s family has seen the footage and for their sake it would be good to establish if it isn’t her.

“If someone does remember a woman matching the description of Fatima in North Street getting on a bus or if they have any information of her whereabouts, please let us know.

“Her family are still desperate to hear any news or about any sightings of her.

“They need answers to the many questions they have.”

Anyone with information should call Sussex Police on 101 quoting Operation Accelerate.

If anyone sees her, they should call 999 immediately.

Please come home we love you

THE morning of February 12, 2016, began normally in Fatima Mohamed-Ali’s household.

She made her husband Mohamed breakfast at around 7am before he left the house.

But Mrs Mohamed-Ali, then aged 52, was not to be seen by her loved ones from then onwards.

She left her home in Park Drive Close, Newhaven, shortly after her husband.

She did not take any personal belongings with her, such as a handbag, money or keys.

The Indian woman was spotted shortly after she left her home, however.

Her husband Mohamed last saw her at about 7.30am when he went out and she was seen half an hour later by a member of the public in Avis Road, Newhaven.

The last words her husband uttered to her were “OK, I’ll see you later” – as he told The Argus five days after her disappearance.

A search party was launched the day after Mrs Mohamed-Ali was reported missing and volunteers from Sussex Search and Rescue and Lowland

Search Dogs scoured Newhaven and neighbouring towns for the grandmother.

A police helicopter searched the coast to the east and west of the town and up the River Ouse to Lewes.

Despite the efforts of emergency services, there was still nothing.

Numerous appeals have been launched in an attempt to find Mrs Mohamed-Ali, who worked Monday to Thursday as an electronics assembler at Brightwell Dispensers in Newhaven.

She has not turned up to work and has not been seen since the sighting in Avis Road.

Her husband, son Ali Akbar and daughter Fareeda issued a heartfelt appeal to her days after she disappeared.

Fareeda, who was 32 at the time, said: “We are feeling a bit desperate now, very worried for her welfare.

“It is cold outside and we just want her home.

“We have been here since, waiting.

“My mum has always been there for us so this is completely out of character for her.

“We just want to make sure she is OK.

“Just come home, Mum.

“We miss you, we love you.”

Officers at Sussex Police said they had tried many lines of enquiry.

The force said in a statement: “Officers carried out extensive enquiries including area searches, viewed many hours of CCTV footage and investigated all the transport options she may have chosen to use.”

Mrs Mohamed-Ali is 5ft, slim with shoulder-length black hair worn in a ponytail.

She likes to wear a traditional Indian dress under a beige coat.