Teville Gate was once the ‘Gateway to Worthing’ a few decades ago, whereas now it is an abandoned, spooky area of the town with disused buildings and a multi-storey car park. It also used to be home to a few small shops, such as Comet, Bed King and a Chemist. The area has had a very dark history – unfortunately, Teville Gate has had multiple people fall from the top of the car park, resulting very sadly in death or with serious injuries.

The past few years, the shops have shut down and the whole of Teville Gate has deteriorated. It is derelict and the offices stand abandoned with smashed windows, giving Teville Gate a ghostly appearance.

Although Teville Gate is currently an unattractive part of the seaside town, plans have been made to demolish the area and place 374 apartments, a gym, a supermarket, restaurants and car parking spaces. This will make ‘Station Corner’, the site’s new name, a much more attractive, modern and welcoming place. A young member of the public quotes “A lot of memories have happened there, however I’m glad it’s being taken down as it was an eyesore and not useful for the public as all that remained was a decaying car park”. She then goes on to say “However I do hope that it won’t make Worthing more industrialised and city-like, as I hope it remains a small seaside town”. Plans to improve Teville Gate (soon to be Station Corner) will be taking place soon, as it is currently boarded up and inaccessible to the public.