The stories on pages six and seven of The Argus today have crucial links.

On page six we have reported the fantastic decision by Brighton Marina Asda to start welcoming food bank donations for the Whitehawk food bank.

Then on page seven we have the great new community kitchen which will help people to learn how best to use those donations.

The sad truth is that many of us do need help to learn how to cook great meals for our family on a budget.

It is not just young parents and those who are really struggling to make ends meet either.

Our television schedules often show families who are relatively well-off but blow their hard earned cash on ready meals and processed food instead of a nice dish made from raw materials for a pittance.

And for those families who desperately need help the new food bank collection point is crucial.

At The Argus we are regularly told by volunteers how changes to the benefits system is often cited by those referred to them for food.

And we have reported on the sharp increase currently being witnessed on the number of those desperately in need.

It is heartbreaking, so today The Argus wants to say well done and give thanks for the great work by people like Anne Anmer, her fellow volunteers and now their new friend in the fight to help people: Anton Binder, Darren Evans and the rest of the great people at Asda now helping out.

Some of those at the Brighton Marina Asda will be the same people who need the food banks but if that’s not you, please help as much as you can.