ONE of the minds behind the British and Irish Modern Music Institute is getting set to open the doors to a new music education programme.

Set up by Bruce John Dickinson, Waterbear is pushing itself as Brighton’s newest college for musicians and creatives. Working in Partnership with Chichester University, the establishment will cover both a BA (Hons) and MA course.

Bruce says that his time at BIMM – of which he was one of the four co-founders – gives him immense pride.

He says they ‘changed music education forever’.

And Bruce added that it was time for a new challenge and to take the style of music education back to where he began with it.

“We wanted to build in more one-to-one, personal, mentoring and also a degree of flexibility because we believe the industry has changed since our early days.”

It is the size of classes that becomes a sticking point, throughout the conversation. Waterbear’s CEO, Adam Bushell, says that the intimacy and freedom that comes with a small classroom enhances what they can offer.

“We are appealing to people that have stuff going on already.” he says.

“If, for example, you’re a musician and you come to Waterbear and three months in you get a three- or four-month tour, that’s not a problem. You can access all your materials online and as long as you’re accessing that then that’s absolutely fine.”

Another focal point, in the founder’s mind, is that you can do their MA in music industry innovation and enterprise without having a BA to back it up.

“It usually suits people who have been round the block and had a career for 10-15 years.” Bruce says.

While Adam adds: “It’s basically cashing in all your real-world experience and getting an MA out of it.”

When asked ‘why Brighton?’ the answer from both men is simple.

“I think we’ve looked all over Europe and you just keep coming back to Brighton. It’s got a particular culture; it’s got a culture of acceptance, a culture of open-mindedness and it’s just a great place to be,” Bruce says with a passion.

“Creativity is celebrated here, rather than frowned upon.

“Brighton is probably the leading exporter of that [creativity].”

Brighton is already one of the UK’s top music hubs and it’s clear that Waterbear are hoping to add something a little different to an already vibrant scene.