1. Walk south, down the hill on the pavement from the Bolney Stage.

Opposite the Bolney village sign take the footpath on the right that starts at a stile.

This leads out onto Top Lane.

Slightly right and opposite continue down Cherry Lane to a junction with The Street.

Turn left and continue for 250 yards to a footpath on the right between Leacroft and Wayside.

Head west along this Diamond Jubilee Walk and cross Foxhole Lane at the far end and enter the Bolney Wine Estate.

Follow the drive and leave at a three-way finger post by walking right behind the Bolney Wine Estate café.

Go over a stile and left alongside a metal clad industrial building and then between vines and a tree belt to a wood in the distance.

Go over a stile and into Nailard’s Wood.

At a 3-way finger post turn left and cross a stream.

Negotiate another stile and pass Old Mill House on the left.

2. Just after the house, cross a third stile and turn left, by a two-way finger post.

The route continues north from here indicated by a low single finger post.

Immediately turn right up a former drovers’ road sunken beneath trees.

Do not go as far as the four-way finger post seen just beyond this point.

After a ? mile the footpath reaches Cross Colwood Lane in front of Colwood Park House.

Proceed left along the lane for 150 yards and then take the bridleway on the right at a finger post.

This starts as a driveway to properties.

Walk to the last house, the Old Stables, where the bridleway turns north and starts to rise for ? mile to Rout Farm.

At a metal barn the bridleway tuns left and then right after sheep pens and becomes a road.

This descends to meet the drive to Routwood and then up to a road junction, where Rifleman’s Cottage stands opposite a former public house, The Rifleman.

3. Take the footpath to the side of the cottage and walk through three fields to a pond on the left fed by Rout Gill.

After this the footpath climbs up Colwood Hill, over a stile and through another gate on to Colwood Lane.

Turn right and after 500 yards turn left along Jeremy’s Lane.

After 400 yards, look for a footpath on the right after a bend.

Join the High Weald Landscape Trail and enter Wykehurst Park.

Look for a glimpse of a clocktower, in the distance on the right, that stands on Wykehurst Park house.

Wykehurst was the location for three Hammer horror movies including The Legend of Hell House.

The footpath crosses a drive and heads down to a culverted stream and then up through Malthouse Wood.

Where the footpath gets close to the base of a pylon the ground may be very wet and alternative paths can be taken to avoid the worst of the mud.

At consecutive three-way finger posts take the footpath left at the first.

This leads back to the Bolney Stage.