A LAMB was viciously mauled by two dogs which left it with nasty injuries to its neck and back legs.

Seven-month-old Boris lives in the paddocks at Cissbury Lodge, in Nepcote, Findon where he was attacked.

His owner, Heidi Blannin, 36, from Worthing, was shocked when she saw Boris’s wounds. She said: “Boris is very gentle, sweet and he is adored by everyone.

“He was bitten four times, twice in the neck and on his back legs. There was one wound in his neck that was quite deep. I am blessed that he is still alive.

“It happened on Monday last week. I had just dropped off my son Bertie to school. I went to Cissbury Lodge to visit Boris and I saw Keith, who rents out the land at the lodge. He said one of the neighbours told him they saw two dogs attacking Boris.

“We went to see Boris but the dogs had gone. He is very lucky to be alive."

Heidi said Boris was shaken by the attack but he is recovering well and can continue his job as a therapy animal.

She added Boris is an important member of her family and he is like a son to her.

She said: “I’ve had Boris since he was a little lamb.

“When Keith retired as a shepherd, he sold all his sheep in March but he still rents out the land in Cissbury Lodge.

“Boris was separated from his mother and he had hypothermia.

“We thought he wasn’t going to make it.

“We bathed him in warm water, fed him and luckily Boris made it through.

“I love Boris dearly, he would sit on my lap, walk up to me for cuddles and watch TV with us.

“He is like a little brother to Bertie, who is five. I named him Boris because Bertie has messy blond hair like Boris Johnson.

“We live in a flat in Worthing, and I visit Boris every day.

“He is also a therapy animal and he is in high demand. I work in a care home, and I take Boris to visit residents living with dementia.

“There was one lady who doesn’t remember much about her life but she remembers Boris.”

Heidi is also warning other pet owners to be wary of recent dog attacks. She said: “There has been some incidents of sheep being attacked by dogs in the Cissbury Ring area. This has got to stop, and it’s not just about Boris but it’s about other pets who could be in danger. I urge owners to stay alert and I also want to remind dog owners to make sure your dogs are safely kept and they are on leads.

“If your pet is attacked, you should record the evidence. Take photos of the injuries and contact 999. If you witness a dog attack, try and get photos and videos.”