DRUG dealers will do practically anything to maximise their profits and don’t care what the consequences are.

There are regular disputes, sometimes with dire consequences for those involved in dealing in London and other major cities across the United Kingdom.

As a result, those self same dealers are using the so-called “county lines” to expand their illicit trade into areas where there is less competition yet demand is still high.

In order to establish themselves in certain areas, drug dealers will target users and other vulnerable people, initially offering them drugs, alcohol or money to get them “on side”.

However, that is only a short-term arrangement.

The main objective is to ingratiate themselves with their victims and then intimidate them, often to the extent of taking over their properties from where they can run their operations.

It is a practice which is known as cuckooing and it is sadly becoming increasingly prevalent.

Sussex is one of the areas which is being targeted and police are taking robust action against anyone found to be using this method to sell drugs in our cities and towns.

Tackling the drugs gangs is not an easy task but with information provided by the public and indeed victims themselves, action can and will be taken.

The drugs trade is a vile one and combating it is difficult and at times complex. Nevertheless a stand has to be taken against it and the perpetrators punished.

Information is key and if you are being intimidated then speak out.

Help and support is certainly out there.