INTERNET star Zoella says she now feels “suffocated” by her use of social media.

The 28-year-old, whose real name is Zoe Sugg, has more than 11 million followers on her YouTube channel.

According to the latest Instagram “influencer rich list” she reportedly earns some £12,000 per post.

She writes about lifestyle, fashion and beauty.

But Ms Sugg, who lives in a village outside Brighton, says she feels swamped by her celebrity status and stresses about what she posts online.

She wrote on social networking app Instagram: “I hope you’re all having a positive start to the year already.

“I don’t really make resolutions, but I definitely like to reflect on things I could improve on or do more or less of.

“One huge one being how I see and feel using social media.

“In February, I will have been in this space for ten years and it has changed a lot in that time.

“I spoke a bit last year about the pressure, expectation and fear of posting that I have often experienced through my decade of sharing, but now more than ever, I second guess a lot of things I say or post.

“I also know that so many of you do the same thing, regardless of follower count, and you can end up feeling a little suffocated and disconnected.”

Ms Sugg said she regularly receives messages from her followers about the pressures of looking perfect on social media.

She advises people to stop comparing themselves with others.

She wrote: “I can’t even tell you how many messages I received from you all, including fellow social influencer posters, saying you felt the same way and that you didn’t feel you could compete with the ‘glossiness’ that a large part of Instagram has become.

“I’m going to make a conscious effort this year to post more without second guessing, or contemplating a perfect caption that won’t offend anyone, or appear like my life is so well put together.

“I follow a lot of accounts and the ones that bring me the most joy, inspiration and reassurance are the accounts that do just that.

“Don’t get me wrong, I love a snazzy, high-res beautiful image every now and then, but that’s not always real life.

“If we all put a little bit more ‘real life’ into Instagram, the less daunting it might feel to post or to try and fit a mould or drive ourselves crazy with comparison.

“Follow the accounts that inspire you, un-follow the ones that make you feel iffy.”