ALL YOU need is love sang the Beatles but in fact that is not entirely true... you need money as well.

Many charities have their own outlets on our high streets to raise money for various causes and rely on donations from the public.

Many vinyl record collectors used to haunt charity shops on an almost daily basis hoping to find a valuable gem among the plethora of Val Doonican and Perry Como albums and occasionally they would strike gold.

But those days are almost without exception over.

Charity shops have got wise to the fact that rare vinyl records can make hundreds and even thousands of pounds.

And so it was that a rare promotional copy of Love Me Do by the Beatles did not make it on to the shelves of the British Heart Foundation shop in Midhurst.

Staff at charity shops these days often undergo training so that they can spot which donated records are worth just a few pounds and which ones are potentially worth a fortune providing they are in excellent condition.

The Beatles single was found among a batch of donated records and having been expertly appraised was then listed on Ebay with a starting price of £99.99.

Interest in the record was intense and attracted a flurry of bids with the winning bid of £9,400 providing a major boost for the charity.

Record collectors on the other hand are increasingly looking elsewhere in the search for bargains as the vinyl revival continues apace. It is almost boot sale season though and boot sales remain a fertile hunting ground for vinyl addicts. Get crate digging. It is all part of the fun.