A SCHOOL has been given the highest possible rating in a recent Ofsted inspection.

The Montessori Place in Hove was rated “outstanding” in all four categories used to judge schools by inspectors after a visit on March 6.

They found the school for children up to age 11 in Cromwell Road had a “highly qualified staff team” which provides an “exciting and stimulating curriculum through excellent teaching”.

It said children at the school were highly motivated, lessons were meticulously planned, and staff rapidly responded to children’s emerging interests.

It found that effectiveness of leadership and management and the quality of teaching, learning and assessment was “outstanding”.

It found the personal development, behaviour, welfare and outcomes for children were also all “outstanding”.

The report said: “Staff offer exceptional support and guidance to parents to help their children make significant progress.

“Staff rapidly respond to children’s emerging interests to ensure resources capture their imaginations.

“Parents comment that the setting is amazing. They feel that their children have developed phenomenal social skills, and that this has had an excellent impact on their learning and development.

“Children thrive at the setting and all aspects of their wellbeing are carefully nurtured by the sensitive and perceptive staff.

“There is an extremely strong focus across the early years provision on promoting children’s health, welfare and personal development from a young age to make sure they are ready to learn.”

The only suggestion given by inspectors on how the school could improve was to “continue enhancing the superb learning opportunities for children who prefer to spend their time outdoors”.