On this day ten years ago The Argus made its way to Lewes for the raft race. We met the woman looking for a home for herself and her 17 dogs. And we went to Shoreham’s Buckingham Park to see some amazing animals.

Kim Waite is looking for a home for herself and 17 Alsatians

Kim has been evicted from her home and needs to take her dogs with her

Next up Adur Lions Club donkey derby was held in Buckingham Park, Shoreham

Pictured from left are Jake and Daniel Balcombe with Jakob Ross, all aged eight, getting close to a little owl called Reanut at the Sussex Downs Raptor Club stand

Adur Lions Club donkey derby in Buckingham Park, Shoreham

Then people got ready for the start of the Lewes Raft Race

The blue team aboard a shark catamaran