RESIDENTS are furious after McDonald’s raised the idea of building a restaurant in their town.

The fast-food giant has submitted an initial pre-application to build a drive-through in Daveys Lane, Lewes.

Although McDonald’s has merely put in an enquiry, residents who got wind of its idea have been quick to oppose it strongly.

Lesley Healey, who helps run the Lewes Community Allotment, said she would be horrified if McDonald’s built a drive-through in the town.

“I am already angry that it hands out these silly plastic toys in its meals,” she said.

“I strongly disagree with a McDonald’s being built here.

“And a drive-through? The traffic in that area is already chock a block and it will just make it worse.”

Mrs Healey said while she does not sell her own food from the allotment, Lewes is home to a lot of traders who sell their goods locally.

She said: “Having this multi-international chain is not something I would personally welcome.

“It will really impact local trade and we shouldn’t be eating their stuff anyway, it’s not healthy.”

Stuart Gillespie, who has worked in nutrition and health for 35 years, including with the World Health Organisation, said he chose to live in Lewes for its “progressive approach to environmental health and wellbeing”, and because it is “not run by fast-food outlets like other towns”.

“The UK is in the midst of an obesity epidemic, largely driven by transnational companies peddling junk food, at low prices,” he said.

“I was shocked when I heard of this proposal, and I completely object to it, as I believe do the majority of the population in Lewes.”

A spokesman from South Downs National Park Authority said: “We can confirm that the SDNPA has received a planning pre-application enquiry for the construction of a McDonald’s at Daveys Lane in Lewes.

“This is not a planning application but a request for initial advice to understand the authority’s planning policies, in particular, the recently adopted South Downs Local Plan, and how they might apply to the proposal. When we are in a position to respond to McDonald’s it will also be placed on our website.”

He said should a formal planning application be received, a public consultation will be arranged.

A McDonald’s spokesman said: “We have submitted an initial pre-application

for advice to the local authority.

“This is not a formal planning application, but rather a way to initiate conversations about what a potential restaurant could look like in the area.”