TWO men were arrested during an immigration raid at a nail salon.

Immigration officers were seen escorting several men in handcuffs into the back of Immigration Enforcement vans parked nearby.

The raid happened at about 11am yesterday.

The Home Office has revealed that two Vietnamese men aged between 26 and 30 “who had entered the UK illegally and had no right to work” were “detained pending their removal from the UK”.

It also said the business, in West Buildings, Worthing, could face heavy fines.

A spokesman said: “Phoenix Nails was served a civil penalty referral notice which warns that a financial penalty of up to £20,000 per illegal worker could be imposed unless the employer can demonstrate that appropriate right-to-work document checks were carried out, such as seeing a passport or Home Office document confirming permission to work.

“This is a potential total of up to £40,000.”

The Home Office provided advice to employers to help them carry out checks to prevent illegal working.

It said the Secretary of State can issue a business with a penalty notice if it employs a person who is over the age of 16, subject to immigration control and has not been granted permission to enter or remain in the UK.

It said it was the responsibility of the employer to prevent illegal working.