SO FAR the weather in August has been pretty rubbish.

And to make it worse, we're all about to see a load more spiders in our houses thanks to the wet weather.

Why, why, why?

Basically, the rain and general dismalness of August has triggered a premature mating season, encouraging spiders inside to find a mate.

They've spent most of the summer gorging on all the lovely flies, moths and other insects, becoming sexually mature in the meantime. And now they're ready to act on it.

What type of spiders am I likely to see - and will they bite me?

In your house: 

  • Money spiders

Totally harmless and traditionally believed to bring good luck, more than 40 per cent of Britain's spiders belong to this family.

  • Daddy Long Legs or Cellar spiders

Although these are big, they are harmless and do eat a lot of other spiders, including some of the big'uns.

The Argus:

  • House spiders

These are the biggest of Britain's spiders, with some reaching an overall size of 12cm. It's one of the only species to match a large body with large thick legs.

The Argus:

  • Lace web spiders

Don't get these confused with false widow spiders although they both bite. These guys are longer in body but with shorter legs.

  • False widows

The Argus:

The false widow is unlikely to bite you unless you sit on it or it gets trapped in your clothes. Should you get bitten, it should be no more painful than a wasp sting, experts say.

  • Zebra jumping spiders

These spiders are tiny - but harmless although they do jump which might freak you out.

The Argus:

  • Missing sector orb weaver

This is another spider often mis-identified as a false widow, but is easily distinguished because it spinds a circular web rather than the vertical scaffold-like strands of a false widow.

How do I get rid of them?

Sadly there's no way you can get rid of them completely.

But there are some old wives tales and tricks of the trade which might help.

They include:

  • Keep your house clean.
  • Some advice says limit lighting, others says let lots of natural light in. Let us know what works.
  • Apparently spiders hate strong scents. So essential oils are always a good trick.
  • Spraying vinegar also works - but your house might smell like a chip shop.
  • As does garlic. But that's also a matter of taste.
  • Some say conkers in bowls by doors and windows (there's no actual evidence this works though).
  • Get a dog. Some of them will eat them for you. Or a cat.

How long does spider season last?

Luckily, it's fairly short-lived and only lasts for a few weeks. And since it's early this year, it will hopefully end early too. We can but hope.