THE Labour Party is being urged to support a four-day work week and a “green new deal”.

Pressure group Momentum will encourage the party to consider a series of suggested future policy motions at its annual conference in Brighton later this month.

These policies have been given to The Argus exclusively by a member of Brighton and Hove Momentum.

A spokesman for the group said: “The UK works longer hours than other European countries with the fewest bank holidays and billions of pounds worth of unpaid overtime.

“YouGov data shows that 63 per cent of Britons support a four-day full-time working week.”

The spokesman pointed to a recent report by independent employment research group Autonomy which found that “a reduction in working time can help equality and greatly contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions”.

The report was supported by shadow chancellor of the exchequer John McDonnell MP. He said: “With millions saying they would like to work shorter hours and millions of others without a job or wanting more hours, it’s essential we consider how we address the problems in the labour market.”

The Momentum spokesman said that developments in technology are making jobs “more intense” for workers and there was a possibility that many vocations could be replaced by machines in the next few decades.

He said: “A reduced working week with no loss in pay is an obvious method by which we can share the benefits of increased productivity for the many not the few.”

The Labour Party’s annual conference will be held at the Brighton Centre from September 21 to 25.

Thousands of party members and leaders will meet to decide the party’s future direction and discuss future policies. Momentum hopes to influence the party’s updated manifesto with its suggestions.

Another of the party faction’s desires is for a “green new deal”.

A Momentum spokesman said: “To prevent the worst effects of climate change we must keep global temperature rises below 1.5C.

“Just 100 companies are responsible for the majority of carbon emissions and the Conservative Government is deregulating the fossil fuel industry and cutting support for renewables.”

The spokesman said Momentum had worked with protest groups including Extinction Rebellion and Youth Strike 4 Climate UK to create the proposal. It calls on the Labour Party to introduce “a state-led programme of investment and regulation for the decarbonisation and transformation of our economy that reduces inequality and pursues efforts to keep global average temperature rises below 1.5C.”