THE Big Yellow Self Storage Company plans to convert a car dealership into a new depot and offices.

It wants to demolish the existing buildings and create new premises on the one-acre site occupied by Harwoods Jaguar dealership in Old Shoreham Road, Hove.

Its plans for a new three-storey building are due to be decided by Brighton and Hove City Council’s planning committee on Wednesday.

Harwoods is due to move to the site of the former Argus building in Crowhurst Road, Hollingbury.

Big Yellow has included 11 parking spaces for staff with ten more at the back as well as ten bike spaces.

The plans drew 18 objections from neighbours with concerns about traffic and the building’s design.

One said there was already heavy traffic on the busy Old Shoreham Road and the accident risk would be greater during construction.

They added: “The road is also busy as it is a route for children crossing for access to four schools.”

Hove Park ward councillor Vanessa Brown also objected, saying the “massing and bulk” of the scheme would have a very detrimental effect on the street scene.