THE MOST horrifying house in Hove was besieged by more than 1,000 trick or treaters on Halloween.

Any other day of the year this house in Lyndhurst Road looks no different to its neighbours. But on October 31 it is transformed into a house of horrors.

The normally mild-mannered 55-year-old officer for the Pensions Regulator Michael Cashin is transformed into a blood sucking zombie for one night only.

He said: “We have started to get a reputation and people come from miles away.

“We were just starting to put up the decorations and someone came past in a car and asked ‘ are you doing the decorations this year?’.

“We definitely encourage lots of trick or treaters, but this year was more than ever.

“I know we must have had 1,000 because of how many sweets we got through.

“I spend about £50 or £60 a year.

“Sometimes I start buying Halloween sweets a whole year before when they are all reduced in the shops. They keep for at least a couple of years.

Mike’s son, budding actor Billy, 16 and wife Louise get in on the act all dressing up as zombies for the day.

The family got into spooky character to scare the wits out of their hoards of visitors.

Crowds flocked to see the floating corpses, deck-chair reclining skeletons and giant spiders climbing the garage door.

Mike said:” It started a few years ago and now Billy wants to be an actor so he’s started to get really good at it too.

We all dress up as zombies.

“We don’t go all out for any other occasion.

“We don’t go mad with our Christmas decorations but we just love doing this.

“I suppose it’s a bit of a shame really because it only lasts one evening.

“We usually buy a couple of new decorations each year.

“I keep my eye out out for things whenever I see them and a lot of stuff I make myself.”