A WORRIED couple thought they were being burgled when they heard loud crashing noises from a garden shed.

But, after investigating the source of the sounds, they found out it was actually a bewildered fox with a watering can stuck on its head.

The Shoreham residents realised something was wrong when they became aware of a series of bangs coming from the back garden of the empty house next door on October 31.

But, instead of a burglar, they found the clumsy creature blundering around, rendered blind by the plastic can which was stuck on its head.

The pair quickly called the RSPCA, who sent inspector Rebecca Carter to help the animal.

She said: “When I arrived in the back garden of the empty house, the poor fox had a plastic watering can on his head. He was stuck fast; couldn’t see a thing and was very frightened. No wonder he had been crashing around.

“Luckily, I was able to gently manipulate the watering can until it was at an angle that allowed me to ease his head out.

“As soon as I freed him, he was off.

“We suspect this healthy looking male may have been out looking for food when curiosity got the better of him. I’m so pleased this incident had a happy ending, but it could have ended very differently if the next door neighbours hadn’t been around to spot the poor animal and call us for help.”