TWO fuming pensioners are taking action after their bus shelter was mown down by a van and smashed by “yobbos on bikes”.

Brenda Williams, 71, and Shirley Knight are members of the Moulscoomb local action team. They have hit the streets of Brighton and collected nearly 300 signatures calling for their beloved L-shaped bus stop to be reinstated.

Brenda explained: “About four months ago a van or a lorry backed into it.

“Then yobbos – youngsters on bikes late at night who don’t know what to do with themselves – pushed it, broke the plastic, and smashed it up.”

Since then, Brenda said she has been “outraged” by the council’s slow response to their demands for a new shelter.

She said: “I shouldn’t be doing this. The council should be doing what I do.

“I’m not here for brownie points. I’m doing it because I want my bus stop back.

“I handed the petition in at the Town Hall and put the package down on the desk. I said: ‘It’s not a bomb. It’s 280 signatures from the Moulscoomb local action team.”

Brenda said: “There’s worse weather coming and we’ve got no bloody shelter when it rains. There are no awnings on the shops nearby and I have to go and pay my bills down the road.

“Other people my age, people with disabilities, and all different people of all different ages used that shelter.

“Now I see mothers with pushchairs, disabled people on mobility scooters – I’ve seen them all down there in the rain."

Brenda said local councillor Daniel Yates had been championing their cause.

“He said the council told him told nobody uses that bus shelter.

“But he told them people need it to go to the doctors, the chemists, and to pay their bills.

“They said there would be a new one in three to four months. But that’s not good enough. I’ve had two knee replacements.

“The other day the shop owner saw me and said: ‘You look as though you can’t stand up. Do you need a chair?’

“I’ve been using that bus shelter for five years.

“I use it to get from A to B so I can pay my bills: I get my gas, electric, and phone credit down at the NISA.

“It was an L-shaped one. I remember there was a little seat you could perch on.

“Five or six of people have said they’ve phoned the council already. There’s been a lot of hostility towards the council. The council should have done this a long time ago.

Brenda lifted up her trouser leg to show her scars.

“It’s been a long day. I’m knackered”

“I was adamant I was going to do it.

“It’s not just me: it’s all the other 280 people who’ve signed the petition too.

“Daniel Yates said I should try and raise 2,000 signatures. I don’t know how I can do that.