A PET owner has described the terrifying moment his dogs collapsed from poisoning.

Jim Doyle, 64, was walking with his smooth-haired fox terriers Eric and Rosie at Sheepcote Valley in Brighton when they suddenly became ill.

He rushed them to Coastway Vets, where they required life-saving treatment.

It follows the news that another dog had to be put down because it suffered severe seizures after walking in the valley, sparking fears of other animals being poisoned there.

Mr Doyle, of Swanborough Drive, Brighton, said he had to carry both dogs to the vets and feared the worst.

He said: “It all happened within minutes. We had gone for a walk, and came back home.

“I saw Rosie was shaking, and the next thing I heard was the sound of Eric collapsing in his bed. He was sprawled on the floor.

“I carried them both to the car to get them to the vets.

“I didn’t think Eric was going to make it. I thought that when I opened the boot, he was going to be dead.”

Mr Doyle said the vets worked very professionally to save his two dogs but he felt sad to hear the news that another owner’s dog had to be put down.

He said he has had Rosie since she was a puppy, while Eric is a rescue dog. Both are about two years old.

Previously The Argus reported an alert about Sheepcote Valley that was put out by Coastway Vets.

Some people fear dogs were deliberately poisoned, while others are concerned that there has been toxic pollution in the valley, which was a household waste tip for decades.

Coastway Vets warned that one dog had to be euthanised after a suspected poisoning, and said Mr Doyle’s pets had suffered similar symptoms.

They said: “We can’t say that these dogs have been maliciously targeted as unfortunately there are lots of substances in the environment and in the home that could cause these symptoms.

“But if you are worried at all about your pet, if they are vomiting or shaking, please speak to your vet immediately.”

Mr Doyle said Rosie and Eric are both treasured dogs, as they are a vulnerable breed.

He said: “I saw the news report. The two dogs in the story are mine.

“I’m very sorry about the dog that died.

“When they tested my dogs in the stomach, all they had was the food I had fed them, and bits of tree bark from sticks.

“We have had a mild winter, and there could be fungal growth that can be harmful to dogs.

“I want to say thank you to everyone who has asked about them, and to Coastway Vets.”