BY DAY, Andrew Spencer is a financial adviser.

But come the Brighton half marathon, the barmy batsman will be racing in cricket whites, a jock strap, box, thigh pads, gloves, an inner thigh pad, an arm guard, a helmet and a lightweight plastic bat.

The 33-year old cricket superfan isn’t thinking about the distance in conventional terms.

“It equates to running 1,040 quick singles,” he said. “Running the half marathon in full kit was a spur-of-the-moment mad idea and now I’m committed to following it through. As you can imagine it will probably be pretty painful.”

Over the last few weeks, Andrew, who works in Hove, has been training on Hove seafront.

He attempted his first trial run on Sunday and said: “It’s quite a lot harder than normal running. It’s a lot heavier and it’s a bit more awkward.

“Your pads bash and you have to run with a wider stance. All the weight is at the bottom of your legs and it’s tough on the old ankles.

“The training has been pretty gruelling already and I’ve only done one eight-mile run in full kit.

“I was absolutely ruined afterwards and a half marathon is 13.1 miles.

“But I’ll definitely make it on the day. Even if I’m struggling I’ll still make sure I do it.”

Andrew is running on behalf of the children’s hospice Chestnut Tree House, which cares for 300 children and young adults with life-shortening conditions.

Andrew said: “One of the saddest things you can imagine is having a terminal illness as a child. The charity really appealed to my heart strings.

“I’m aiming really high and hoping to raise £5,000. I’m doing pretty well so far. I’ve nearly got £1,000.

“Surprisingly, the best form of sponsorship so far has been through cricket forums on Reddit. I’ve had lots of amazing random donations coming in from Australia and New Zealand.”

This year, the Grand Brighton Half Marathon is celebrating its 30th anniversary. On February 23, thousands of entrants from novices to professionals, many of them running for charity, will take to the streets of Brighton and Hove.

Andrew bats for Brighton and Hove Crescent and Brighton Dome Mission cricket teams. Sussex County Cricket Club donated the kit he will be wearing, cricketing companions have sent messages of support and his parents will be there waiting for him on the finishing line.

“I’ll be quite easy to spot,” he said.

You can donate to Andrew’s fundraiser at