MASKED climate change campaigners held a musical demonstration outside County Hall in Lewes.

Organised by campaign group Divest East Sussex, it took place on Tuesday as the county council met to set its annual budget for 2020/21.

Dressed in masks representing teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg, campaigners serenaded councillors as they arrived at the morning meeting.

To make their point they altered the lyrics of a variety of popular songs  – including The Supremes’ Stop In The Name Of Love’ – to get their message across.

Divest East Sussex is opposed to the council’s pension fund holding investments in the fossil fuel industry.

It calls on the council to direct the pension fund to withdraw these investments.

Speaking after the demonstration, a spokesman for the campaign group said: “Last year we saw Australia burn, the Arctic melt, Sheffield flood and Mozambique devastated by tropical cyclones.

“And much, much worse is on the way unless we rapidly transition away from fossil fuels. Yet East Sussex County Council continues to invest in the oil and gas companies. We are talking about companies like Exxon and BP – that are blocking such action.

“We urge all those of members of the public in Brighton and East Sussex who are concerned about the climate crisis to heed the climate strikers’ call.

“They should join with us to compel the county council to stop funding climate change.”