EVERY week The Argus staff are hunting for great lookalikes.

We are welcoming nominations for the best in Sussex.

They can look like any celebrity, be they a singer, athlete or someone else.

If you have family or friends who are the spitting image of someone famous, please send us a photo and we will feature the best.

This week we have an excellent submission from Matheu Christopher Parry.

The delivery rider who lives in Brighton near Powis Square has been told by several people that he looks the spitting image of another resident of the city, namely the comedian and YouTuber Matt Whistler.

According to Matheu: “Sometimes when I am out delivering pizzas I get asked if I can sign the pizza boxes as Matt Whistler, which is a bit weird.

“However, it is just a bit of fun so I thought well, why not?”

Do you or does anyone you know have a famous lookalike?

If you do then please send your submissions to news@theargus.co.uk with the subject “Lookalikes” and we will do our very best to feature them as soon as possible.