CHRIS Todd, the Brighton and Hove Friends of the Earth campaigner, said that if we concentrated on making proper cycle lanes we could fit more people on the roads with less traffic (The Argus, March 30).

That seemed to make eminent sense to me so I switched on my computer and clicked on the Ebay icon in order to see what I could find that would allow me to follow Chris’s advice.

I was looking for an electric (so it will go up hills with less pedalling), fully enclosed (so I won’t get soaked every time it rains), fitted with outrigger wheels (so I won’t get blown over by gale-force winds), trailer equipped (to carry my weekly Sainsbury’s shop) tandem (so I can accommodate my other half) bike.

Sorry, Chris, no luck so far. I guess all I can do now is to follow up on your other suggestion by popping down to B&Q, buying a very large tin of paint and daubing white lines and the words “bus lane” wherever it takes my fancy. It probably won’t make a great deal of difference to the amount of city centre congestion but it will keep me occupied until the present pandemic has run its course.

Eric Waters Lancing