A Kick In The Proverbials is a tasty piece of fruit borne out of the various creative efforts going on amongst Brighton film-makers these days. A lot of it still involves blagging and getting your friends to take parts which maybe were written with Johnny Depp or Scarlett Johannsen in mind.

But the head gardener on this occasion is Jim Lee or JC Lee or Ming Holden (depending who he owes money too on any given day). There is a Jim Lee world emerging and it involves comedy, poetry, eccentric but not-too-eccentric characters, sweetness and of course the odd kick in the proverbials.

In KITP stories are neatly and effectively interweaved giving you enough each bite but leaving you wanting to know more. Every tale has a clever, enjoyable twist - accompanied by a reworking of an old slogan. The pace is unhurried and the camerawork refreshingly unfussy. For me stand-out performances from one-to-watch Georgina Tasker as a damsel in distress' and Phil Willett as an opportunist reality TV producer. Thank you all for a very enjoyable 23 minutes of my life.

Chris Cook
Twin Track Films