With regard to the letters about people cycling on Hove promenade (Letters, November 13 and 15), the current arrangements, where the cycle path runs along the narrow pavement adjacent to the main road, are terrible.

The pavement cycle path is too hazardous, with car doors opening and people stepping out in front of you constantly, not to mention the noise and traffic which takes much of the pleasure out of what should be a pleasant ride along the seafront. If there's room for a cycle path on a three-metre wide pavement why is there not room on the promenade, which is ten times as wide? The cycle path already runs along the prom behind the King Alfred anyway. If it's okay there, why not along the rest of the prom?

Cyclists and pedestrians also quite happily share the much narrower undercliff path from the marina to Saltdean without drama.

People have always ignored nonsensical laws and probably always will. Which is why when I'm cycling with my young children I will continue to use the promenade all the way irrespective of this law.

  • Neil Northgate, Valley Drive, Brighton