I READ Lynsey Bartlett’s column on Saturday (May 30) with a great deal of interest.

Apparently, Simon Cowell has not used his mobile phone for three years. Good for him. I quite agree when he says that mobile phones are intrusive and very time consuming.

That by the time he has read 50 plus emails, another 50 are waiting in the queue. It is very true that he is a very busy person and does not have time to waste. Simon has staff whose job it is too field his calls and answer his correspondence. I am not as well known or popular as Simon Cowell, however, I do have a mobile phone, but it is a pay as you go and a very old model. It is always fully charged and I take it out with me wherever I go. It is only used for emergencies, and to keep in contact with my husband.

I do have a hands-free system in my car in case my husband should need to speak to me when I am driving alone. I do not give out the number to anyone. It is a very rare occasion for me to phone someone on their mobile as it is very expensive.

I don’t know how to do texting and don’t want to.

A friend of mine calls me a dinosaur. She called me a giant dinosaur when I said that I do not do online banking. I can exist very happily without a gadget adhered to my ear. I find it very intrusive when I am out and am forced to listen to other people’s conversations.

This old dinosaur manages to live a very happy life with as few gadgets as possible.

Christine Luffman

