A male nurse accused of sexually assaulting elderly residents and a colleague has been allowed to continue working in care homes while investigators look into the case.

Charles Hewson, 64, has denied claims he touched the bottoms of an elderly woman and a work colleague while working as an agency care worker in St Leonards.

Staff at the Grosvenor House nursing home also claimed another elderly woman became upset when Hewson washed her genital area.

Hewson appeared before a panel at the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) to determine if he should be suspended for the investigation.

Counsel for the NMC Adriana McDonnell said: "These are allegations of inappropriate and unprofessional behaviour. There is an inference that with some of this behaviour there may be a sexual motivation behind it.

The allegations were made in May last year when Hewson was employed through Premier Nursing Care.

He had been working for the agency for six months when he was sent home early from his first shift at Grosvenor House on May 10.

Staff there said he touched the bottom of an elderly lady as he was helping her into the home's dining room.

A few minutes later he also unzipped his tunic in the residents area, exposing his chest, they said.

Ms McDonnell told the hearing on Tuesday: "After talking to staff, the manager was informed there had been an incident where an elderly resident had become distressed, as Mr Hewson was assisting with her personal care, in particular as he was washing her genitalia."

On May 24, a member of staff at the Southdowns home in St Leonards complained that Hewson had grabbed her bottom.

Hewson denied assaulting his colleague and said he had accidentally touched the woman's bottom at Grosvenor House.

He said: "I was walking with a lady supporting her in the small of her back. She stumbled a little and my hand did go down her back.

"The manager was behind me and she brought my hand back up."

He added he had unzipped his tunic because he was hot, and the residents were all facing away at the time.

He denied any knowledge of the washing incident.

Hewson said he had only told an anecdote to a female colleague about the woman tripping up in Grosvenor House.

He said he was standing on the other side of a corridor from her and claimed there was no contact.

He added: 'I mentioned the bottom incident, so presumably that was where she got the idea from.' Hewson has continued to work as a registered nurse and carer in the Bexhill area through other agencies.

The panel agreed not to suspend Hewson from working as a nurse while the claims are investigated.

Chairwoman Catherine McLoughlin told him: "We have decided it is not necessary to make an interim order. The allegations are unsubstantiated at this time, and we do take into consideration your financial circumstances."

He now faces a full disciplinary hearing on a date to be fixed.