I HAD the misfortune to walk through the Brighton Pavilion  “estate” recently and was shocked to see how it has sunk into a state of disrepair never seen before. 

While millions of pounds seem to be spent every year on the fabric of the building, nothing is ever done to maintain the grounds.

The weeds are sky high, the grass looks like it may have been hacked with a blunt pair of scissors and the whole area  is sinking under a tide of filth and rubbish.

This is common through the whole city.

The filth , rubbish, beggars and graffiti are beyond belief.

The roads and pavements throughout the city are the worst ever seen (except of course where the roads are being replaced in Valley Gardens,), which will now I believe take at least seven years to complete.

The obsession with cycle lanes means common sense has gone out the window, now leading to long traffic jams on the Old Shoreham Road,where none existed before, just so a few cyclists can enjoy a whole lane for themselves.

The rot set in of course many years ago when ex-squatter  Steve Bassam was elected and the combination of loony Greens and extreme left wing Labour means that it has gone steadily downhill ever since.

To the council I say, if you have not got the best interests of  our  city, and the hard put-upon council taxpayers at heart, which clearly you haven’t, please leave, and let others who care for the city do so instead.

T Brown

Ditchling Road
