POLICE have ordered youths to stay out of town after a gang was seen with brandishing knives and bats.

Officers were called to reports of a fight in Gales Drive, Crawley on Monday at 5pm.

Five teenagers aged 15, 16 and 17 were arrested, as was a 25-year-old man.

The Argus:

They were held on suspicion of affray and possession of a bladed article, and have all been released under investigation.

A dispersal order has been extended in the Three Bridges area of Crawley for a further 48 hours until 3pm on July 18.

The order provides the police with power to disperse individuals behaving in an anti-social manner.

PC Sam Bate said: “We are keen to hear from anyone who witnessed the altercation or have any information about those involved.

The Argus:

“We appreciate the concern this behaviour from a minority of group of people is causing within the community and additional resources will be deployed to areas where groups are known to gather to deter such behaviour in the future.”

Anyone who saw the altercation, or may have any other relevant information about the incident, is asked to report online or by calling 101 quoting serial 1044 of 13/07.