I am writing to you as I am both surprised and angry. I have just read your article about consultants in the local primary care trust (The Argus, November 17).

How can an authority that is strapped for cash afford to pay these telephone number salaries? I had assumed that the PCT would have employed its own public relations staff.

Considering the amount of time "Fit for the Future" has been in the public domain, I would have thought that employing someone on a one or two-year contract would be a cheaper option.

It really annoys me as the PCT is considering closing casualty departments, and on occasion whole wards are closed in the interest of saving money.

Nurses are coming out of training and there is no job for them. Do the management of the PCT live in the real world?

I think paying these people is both obscene and immoral when considering the pay of nurses and other frontline medical staff.

  • T Hodge, Church Walk, Worthing