I see that Roger Marlowe is gloating at the prospect of a start to the building of the Gehry towers (Letters, November 17), but I can assure him that most residents of Hove do not share his enthusiasm.

We face years of disruption, inconvenience and loss of amenity.

However, all may not be lost. The developer Karis needs to raise a huge sum of money in what are now extremely uncertain credit and housing markets. This increases the element of risk by the day and brings into question the eventual profitability of the whole project with the possibility of it all going belly up.

If there is any chance of this happening, Brighton and Hove City Council will need to make sure that council tax payers are fully protected from any financial loss. I hope that its bankers ING are taking note.

We must also be told of any promises which may have already been made to the developer. Ken Fines and Valerie Paynter have done a wonderful job in leading the opposition to this ill-conceived project and, whatever happens, deserve our warmest thanks.

  • Alan Nunn, Pipers Close, Hove