The committee of the Brighton and Hove Pensioners' Association has recently passed a resolution condemning the closure of several post offices in Brighton and Hove, particularly the one in Trafalgar Street.

The future of the post office in the Co-op in London Road, which is a third of a mile away, is in doubt and the next nearest is in Lewes Road more than a mile away. There will now be no post office in the whole of the North Laine area. I have been told that this post office is profitable and will probably be even more profitable when all the New England Quarter has been developed.

It is monstrous to expect older people to walk more than a mile there and back to carry out transactions.

The family who run the post office in Trafalgar Street are particularly helpful with their advice and do not rush people who for any reason do not understand the complications of the new postal charges.

Please help us show that pensioners are not completely powerless and that our voice must be listened to on this important issue.

  • Sheila Schaffer, Pelham Square, Brighton