Some cities in this country die at 6pm, others are commercial centres full of the "same old"

multiple shops by day, and only inhabited by drinkers at night.

Brighton and Hove. however, is fortunate in having a busy, vibrant, prosperous and popular city centre. Part of that vibrancy is due to the fact people choose to live in the city centre.

A conflict arises because the big multiples are allowed to deliver goods to their stores more or less when they want to and in whatever vehicle they choose so long as it can be physically squeezed into our tiny streets.

It is evident that the council needs to take control, limiting the times at which deliveries can be made and the size of vehicles that are allowed.

Perhaps when the council sees sense and builds the muchneeded park and ride facility, they will also set aside an area for distribution and delivery transfer.

  • Delia Forester, Labour candidate in the Regency by-election, West Drive, Brighton