The article on the PDSA was the best article I have read for a long time (The Argus, November 22). I enjoyed it so much I have read it three times now and intend to keep it so I can read it again.

It warms my heart reading about people who dedicate their lives to caring for animals and to protecting them from those members of society who just plain don't care.

My mother worked as a volunteer at the PDSA in Brighton before she moved to London where she trained to be a nurse.

All the animal charities do a fantastic job and I would like to say well done to them all.

The RSPCA advertise at around this time of year that "a dog is not just for Christmas". That is good advice. Looking after a dog or any pet is a huge responsibility. It is the same as being a parent, there is never a day off.

Caring for a pet is a great thing for a young person. It teaches them many things. But it should be remembered that they cannot take on the burden themselves.

If a child is interested in animals, then volunteering or fundraising for one of the animal charities is an excellent place to start.

Liz Cuthbert Southwick Way, Shoreham WHAT a delightful story about the cat which walked for miles to find its owner who had moved without telling the poor moggy (The Argus, November 26). It reminded me of the Disney film The Incredible Journey. How lucky we are to inspire such love and devotion from animals. I myself would happily walk for miles to be with my two cats.

  • A Bennet, Albany Villas, Hove