A TOP police officer has urged youngsters to act responsibly after several incidents involving “large groups of young people and the consumption of alcohol”.

They include a gathering of hundreds at Hove Lawns late last month on a night which would have marked the end of GCSEs for many schoolchildren.

A large number of officers descended on the site on the evening of June 24 after police received reports of a mass gathering.
The Argus:
They arrived to find the lawns packed with people showing a flagrant disregard for social distancing rules. 

Witnesses told The Argus they had seen “pockets of violence” break out amid the group.

Meanwhile visitors to the site the morning said the lawns had been “trashed” with laughing gas canisters, balloons and glass vodka bottles among the items left strewn across the lawns.

READ MORE>>>Hove Lawns 'trashed' after huge gathering of young people

This was not the only incident of this nature during lockdown.

Officers from Horsham Police blasted the “unacceptable behaviour” of a group who left bottles, glasses and bags littered across a park after an evening of revelry.

The Argus:
The force had been called to Horsham Park on June 23 after receiving reports of youths drinking.

Officers accused those responsible of “ruining it (the park) for other Horsham residents” and issued a dispersal order to prevent any further antisocial behaviour.

READ MORE>>>Police slam 'group of youths drinking' for leaving park in an 'unacceptable state'

Superintendent Miles Ockwell said: “Some of the incidents that we have seen recently can be attributed to large groups of young people and the consumption of alcohol. 

The Argus:
“I appreciate the desire for young people who have been stuck at home and not at school for months to want to go out and enjoy themselves, but I urge them and their parents to urge them to do so responsibly.

“We are working with our partners to ensure that there are meaningful activities for young people to do during the summer and would encourage them and their parents to make use of those services.”