Further to Garry Saunders comments about traffic on the A259 (Letters, November 22), he really should know by now that when a public body uses the word "consulted" what it means is: "We've made up our minds what we are going to do, but we have to listen to your concerns by law via a consultation process so we can ignore them."

The other corker of "overwhelming support" usually means that the other public bodies involved are in favour, not the general public. No benchmarks will be taken of current usage of public transport so no measure of "improvements" after the modification will be proven.

The only real increase in the use of buses was the the implementation of free bus passes for the elderly, not any of the road modifications within Brighton and Hove City Council. If the effectiveness of these unnecessary road changes can be measured in the increased traffic jams of slow moving cars and the additional pollution generated by stationary cars then I'm sure that they are a success.

  • Peter Usher, Bishopstone Drive, Brighton