I was driving home last Wednesday at approximately 5.15pm. As I was about to turn into Filching Road from Central Avenue, Eastbourne, a bus careered round the corner at speed, with the driver struggling to control it. The bus then collided with a parked car on the left- hand side of the road.

The driver got out of the bus and exclaimed: "My brakes failed!" He was clearly very shaken up from the incident. He was alone in the bus with no passengers.

As far as I know I was the only witness to the incident.

After I asked if he was all right I went to my vehicle and wrote down my name, address and mobile phone number.

Approximately one hour later two police officers came to my home and asked me what I had witnessed.

I told them exactly as above what I had seen. Then to my astonishment they produced a breathalyser and told me to give a breath sample. I asked why I needed to give a sample, I was only a witness. The officer said: "You were involved in the incident."

I strongly disagreed with him but very reluctantly gave the sample, which was zero.

The officer then told me to produce my driving licence, insurance, MOT and registration. I asked them why was I being treated like a criminal and told them I was angry with their heavy-handed manner and surly attitude.

The two officers then left, without thanks or an apology.

The thing is neither of them wrote down or recorded anything whatsoever of what I had told them about the accident.

No wonder Sussex Police have such a bad reputation with the public. In the future if I witness an accident, incident or have information that may help police with their inquiries, what do you think I am going to do?

  • Adrian Crossley, Eastbourne