I was appalled to read about the 88-year-old lady who is losing her sight but being refused help by the NHS (The Argus, November 24).

The fact that it is West Sussex Primary Care Trust that has made this heartless decision should come as no surprise.

The same trust - as highlighted in your report - has spent a sixfigure sum on spin doctors when the money would be better spent on allowing medical doctors to treat patients such as this lady.

The spin doctors employed for such an exorbitant sum were given the job of trying to sell us some pretty unpalatable changes to hospital services across West Sussex and Brighton and Hove.

It must surely be clear to the trust by now that we don't want the downgradings they propose.

The only consultants we want are those with proper medical qualifications who can help heal those of us who have long paid our taxes but seem to be the last people to be given any consideration by the burgeoning management in the health service.

Why have we even got these trusts? What do they do? Surely it would be better to get rid of the primary care trusts and let doctors refer patients without interference on the basis of medical need.

Hospitals can then spend their time focusing on patients instead of trying to meet central targets set by the Government.

These trusts are an unnecessary and undemocratic layer of bureaucracy. Not one of them has been elected. It was a key principle of the NHS when it was set up that it should be democratic and provide healthcare free at the point of need. If these unwanted changes are pushed through and this lady is denied the treatment that could save her sight, it will have failed two vital tests.

  • D Harrison, Nevill Road Hove